performing impact

work in progress

workshop deliberations

On the second day of the workshop we presented some questions which had been raised for us by the discussion of current evaluation practices.

These can be seen as a downloadable powerpoint here

performing impact day 2 slides

We also offered a potential model for thinking about evaluation. This might be used to think about:
(1) where the gaps currently are in evaluation practice, and
(2) what might go in the gaps.

We wondered if anyone was interested in thinking further using this grid and then working together on thinking about how the space might be operationalised.

Here is the downloadable grid:

a potential model?

And here is the link to Steve Little’s tumblr which has films which have been in part evaluative and in part promotional.

We have also undertaken to set up an ongoing conversation. We will organise two speakers and a venue for this over the next four months. An option for the group to discuss will be whether to pursue funding to develop different models of evaluation. This might include the use of film for evaluative purposes.

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